(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 19:26

so pretty out. artificial light is lame. i would keep the shade open 24/7 if rachel could sleep that way. but she naps a lot so the shade is always down. i can tell if she's in the room or not by looking at the shade from outside, because i almost always open it when i wake up.

i had my nursing final today. but kelly reads this so i'm not telling anything about it! and as soon as kelly reads this she's gonna come pounding on my door. thats okay.

afterwards i went with britt and shirley to the library and we got a bunch of studying done for anatomy. shirley claimed to be the one that needed help but she taught me and britt a thing or two, dang. i think i understand glomerular filtration pressure.

yesterday was my parents anniversary (29 years of marriage, 36 of togetheryness) and david called to remind me and ask if a gift certificate to buca would be a good plan for them. ummmm yeah! he's a good boy. i told him to make sure it was enough to have a few glasses of wine too, because i know my dad's not been feeling his best lately - "i've had four beers in the last month, zoe!" wine is better for you than beer, at least, especially with his age and history.

i am effing TIRED, holy hell.

home in two and a wake up.
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