Another Concert Weekend

Dec 08, 2008 08:28

This weekend (well, from late Friday to really early Sunday), I had a way2busymom. She arrived a half hour early at DIA on Friday night, and we stayed up too late watching PatD Live in Chicago and discussing Spencer Smith's thighs. Oh, and she totally stole my dog. Apparently Callie's heart can be bought at the price of a couple of Sonic tater tots.

Saturday we ran some errands, I acted like a spazz, and then we went to brynwulf's, where we were treated to homemade green chile and cornbread, along with chips and guacamole. Awesome. Seriously. B and I have decided (okay, B DECREED, because she is bossy), that brynwulf's will be our dedicated lunch stop before all Denver concerts.

I also got $50 worth of stuff at eddie bauer for $1.69. Go me!

And then there was the concert. The line outside the venue wasn't bad, even though it was a sold out show, but the Parade of Lights was going on that night, as well, so parking was a bit sparse, and we had to get down there before they closed Colfax down at 5:30. We ended up standing in line about an hour and a half, but we had fun people behind us to chat with. And when we got in, we snagged our same spot from the TAI concert in October. Which turned out not to have been the greatest idea... Seriously, please do not mosh around the old ladies. We are fragile and could break a hip (totally stole that line from B, who is apparently much the worse for wear from the pushy tweenies).

Anyway...the concert itself was great. Meese opened, and played some really good music (better than I'd expected), but weren't particularly entertaining with their stage show. Ah, well. They're young--they'll learn. In an awww moment, Sisky and Butcher hung out at the stage door through the first half of their set, and I'm pretty sure Bill poked his head in at one point, too. And Chizlett.

TAI totally rocked the place apart, maybe even moreso than last time. And may I just say...the Butcher is completely hot. And has the best tats EVER in the history of tats. Bill? Also completely hot, as is Sisky. But B passed a big fashion NO on Carden's wolf T-shirt. Pete made a surprise appearance to sing with Bill, which was fun.

Fall Out Boy was really good, too. Also better than expected, because I haven't been all that impressed with video I've seen of their live shows. But they were energetic and enthusiastic and really fun to watch. Pete and Joe were all over the stage, and Patrick's voice was in fine, FINE form. The sound balance was even good. And, again, the TAI guys were hovering at the door watching the show.

My in a nutshell FOB assessment:

Pete is a huge dork. Also a really poor bassist, but a pretty decent front man, although most of his banter is pretty random... He was best when he was chatting with Patrick, because that was hysterical. Also? Pete. Pull up your pants. Seriously. We saw his underpants pretty much all night. They were gray. Although I guess since we've seen his dick already that's not such a big deal...

Patrick Stump is a Li'l Fuckin' Hotass. Srsly. Especially when he tossed his guitar behind his back for Cooperstown and started wiggling his wee hips. Hotass.

Joe Trohman's hair should be declared a national treasure. Or a certified aphrodisiac. Or something. Cause it's made of big fluffy Awesomesauce. And he is just... really really hotsauce. On a stick. With sprinkles.

Bill Beckett came out to sing during Chicago..., and it was hysterical because he's a head taller than the entire band. And then he KISSED everybody. Seriously. Pete/Bill smooching action, right there on the stage. And Bill had to practically bend himself in half to do that, too.

Then there was family drama. My cellphone buzzed late in the show and I tried to answer but could only make out that it was J. I called backed after the end of that song and was able to make out Alyssa...threw up. Yays. FOB swung into Beat It right about then, so I screeched at J to log onto AIM and ended up texting him through that whole song. As it turned out, A had a stomach bug of some kind. By the time I got home, she was feeling a little better, but still threw up a couple more times through the night. So I got about 3 hours of sleep, if that, before I had to run B to the airport Sunday morning.

And then there was the exploding Sprite, and Callie peed in my bed. But we all survived.

And yes, the show was awesome.

patrick stump is a li'l fucking hotass, panic! not at the disco, fob, concerts, bandom, kids, life stuff, joe trohman's hair--8th wonder of the wo, tai

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