Dec 26, 2007 08:09
To all those who celebrate, and especially to ME!!! Because I was all grumbly and ready to schlepp myself off to work this morning, but I called first because we had some snow yesterday and I wanted to be sure the roads were plowed and I was told that the office is shut down until January 2. Now, why did my boss not tell me this? Apparently he thought I was taking the week off, anyway, and so it wouldn't matter. Anyway, it's a good Christmas present. I don't have to be back to work until next Wednesday. So I can continue to lounge about and vid and read and write fic and watch TV and torture my children and maybe do a little work for extra brownie points because that's just the kind of suckup I am.
In less good news, my parents are driving out, and they're supposed to get in late tomorrow afternoon. It's supposed to start snowing again overnight, with 4-8 inches predicted for our area, which could really screw up their trip. I called, and they're going to go ahead and start out, then call from Nebraska in the morning to see how things look. So hopefully it'll work out, and I think worst case will be that they spend another day in NE and finish the drive on Friday.
life stuff