(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 10:45

2010 already seems to be the Year of Poo, not just in the world, but personally. I've had family members in and out of the hospital in the last 3 weeks, though thankfully nothing serious. I discovered I have bedbugs, and let me tell you how icky and loathsome this exeriance is turning out to be. EW! Plus Haiti and surely a bunch of other things I'm frankly too insular to know about.


I'm beginning to think 2012 might actually be the end of the world as we know it. Come let's all break into REM, shall we?

It's the end of the world as we know it
(It's the end)
It's the end of the world as we know it
(It's the end)
And I feel fine!

end of the world, 2010

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