Friday, February 29: Dad came and picked me up to go home at 4:00 in the afternoon. We made good time until just outside of Florence, Kentucky when we were rerouted onto tiny little Dixie Highway. Dad=furious and pissy. Not fun. Got home. Ate pizza. Chatted with Mom. Went to bed.
Saturday, March 1: Went shopping. Bought cute spring outfit and funky new sunglasses. A win.
Sunday, March 2: I don't remember.
Monday, March 3: Got wisdom teeth removed. Spent the rest of the day loopy and doped up with icepacks on my cheeks.
Tuesday, March 4-Thursday, March 6: Aches and pains, nothing too drastic. Slight reation to one of the pain meds but not too bad. Watcher LotR movies 1 and 2 and read Halfblood Prince (I blame you,
Friday, March 7: The snow started. Went back to orthodonists who said I was healing up nicely. Watcher LotR movie 3. My mom thinks they should have just stayed home and eaten pancakes. There was a long discussion that followed about the relevance to pancakes in the Tolkien universe.
Saturday, March 8: Officially a blizzard. 9 inches and wind gusts.
Sunday, March 9: Supposed to go back to school today so I woke up at 7:30 in the morning, except that with Daylight Savings Time just in effect that morning, it felt like 6:30, you bastards. Then my parents decided that the roads were too bad and that we should wait until Tuesday to drive me back to school. Bastards, part 2. By that afternoon, I had gone to the mall and guilted my mom into buying me new snow boots since my other pair were still at school.
Monday, March 10: Walked to library to email a paper due that day to my professor who was kind and very understanding. The new boots? Not waterproof. And the temperature was nearly 50* F. Bastards, part 3.
Teusday, March 11: Back at school. Instead of doing homework, I catch up on my fanfiction. The patheticness of my life is beginning to concern me.