Title: Extended Moments III
crazywriter10 Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG-13 (swearing, use of the f-word, some violence)
Series: Fine Black Lines
Summary: I had so much fun writing
Reveal and
Inked, so I decided to lengthen those moments from Reveal into something a little more tangible. This is the third of those extended moments.
It was the job of the CMO to keep everyone on the flagship healthy. )
You had me all worried for a second there, when Len was being dragged along. But Peanut butter!?! that's hilarious!
this line “But you’re priceless to me.” D'awwwwwwww my sappy smile knows no bounds. and talking to the pig, just LOL
This entire piece although brief is wonderful, so many little details to flail over. &hearts
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