I’m far enough along in my papers that I feel like I can take some time and update about Bev some more.
I have an addendum to the previous Beverly post as well. We may or may not have committed an act of theft on the way home. And by theft I mean we may or may not have ripped a poster off a chain link fence and kept it. It was worth it.
Thursday morning Beverly and I awoke around 10 or so and (I just realized that this document opened and was auto titles Document11, I think I need to turn Lappy off tonight) lazed around for a bit while we figured out what we were doing. We knew we were supposed to meet up with Rose and Marshal for the zoo around noonish but until then there were no plans. So we ate. This is always the best idea, especially when your metabolism has been re-reminded that your main form of transportation is walking and begins burning calories even faster. Jerk.
Anyhow we eventually made it to the zoo after running by Bev’s hostel and getting her cleaned up etc.
As we left her hostel is began to rain. I figured, meh it’ll be ok, it’s only drizzling and it’s Berlin. Nothing too serious can happen. I was wrong. I also did not have a jacket. This was poor planning.
Because I’d been to the zoo somewhat recently I didn’t take as many photographs as I normally would have, and it was raining. The zoo overall was pretty fun despite the rain. Actually, if you know me at all, you know I love rain, thunderstorms are best. They make me quite happy.
None of us were really dressed for torrential downpour so, by the end, we were all pretty much drenched. This led to such quotes as “I’m saturated and squelchy” and singing the song “I’m skanking in the rain, just skanking in the rain…” (for those of you that don’t know, skanking is a form of dance. It’s actually much more modest than it sounds. I promise. I don’t hoochie dance. My hips just don’t move like that). We also watched Knut (or one of the other polar bears) dance quite stupidly. It was pretty much hilarious. Rose says she will incorporate this dance move into her next hip hop dance. She demonstrated and I almost peed myself laughing. At one point we got lunch and ended up eating that out in the rain as well. Overall a very damp experience, though amusing like no other. Marshal is also apparently allergic to rain. He only ever sneezed when he was not under the umbrella. None of this is in chronological order. I also may or may not have used a rock as a direction guide; “We were here before! There’s the rock!”
As you can see, not at all properly attired for rain, but there's a tiger :) This makes everything wonderful.
This is Beverly and I by the dancing bear. This was the very end of the trip so we are both properly soaked.
Rose and Marshall were being all cute, so I decided it would be best to just make a Rose sandwich. All in all I think it worked out well :) This is also one of my favorite photos.
After the zoo Bev and I headed back to my place. I made us some tea ("I'm boiling water. Get ready to have that baby!") and Bev napped for a bit. Around 5 or so Alexander knocked on my door and asked if I’d be eating at home, saw Beverly and invited her to dinner. This in and of itself was an amusing exchange because I told him Bev is a vegetarian. He responded with, “ok, we’re having spargel and fish!”
“Alexander she’s a vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat.”
“Even fish?”
“Ok I’ll make some potatoes too then. “
I changed into my theatre clothes because we all decided to dress up for the play for kicks. And, a few minutes later we all sat down to dinner. Beverly had some trouble cutting the spargel, not that I blame her, I only recently got the hang of it. I swear it’s harder to cut than it looks. At one point Alexander jokingly went and grabbed a meat cleaver for her. Just one of the many reasons I love my host family. It was an interesting dinner over all, and because I was acting as translator it was mind boggling. Going from German to English and back again is hard. *pouty face*
Eventually, we left for Bev’s hostel so she could change as well. This is when the night started getting a little nuts. First I took Bev and I the wrong direction down the street so we had to go an extra ways to get to the theatre, this was obnoxious because we were both in epic heels. This was also obnoxious because we almost started a mini riot and further cemented my reasoning for never leaving the house in a skirt.
As we were walking by a restaurant a table full of roughly ten Spanish men decided that loudly catcalling and whistling was the best thing in the world for them to do. *sigh* no. Just no. Not ten feet later we passed a group of Germans who followed suit. *brandishes shanking stick*
Bev and I made it to the play just before it started and took our seats. Unfortunately we were in a different row than Rose and Marshal so we couldn’t really talk to them. We did however talk to the other random American’s sitting in front of us.
The play was completely and utterly insane. I can’t even begin to describe it. It was very well done and I really enjoyed it but wow. The plot is essentially a parody of the rise of Hitler portrayed through 20s Gangsters taking over the broccoli trade. The actor playing Hitler was amazing. OH! And at one point Arturo (Hitler) is learning how to do public speaking through recitation of Shakespearian monologues. Hearing the Hamlet monologue (you all know it, to be or not to be) in German was pretty much amazing. *jigs* I didn’t understand roughly half of the play so Rose re-explained it during intermission to Beverly while I bought a play for our theatre class.
After the play we went to The Sixties for more greasy amazing food and William met us there. A couple of cocktails later we decided to go back to my house because it’s closer with a few bottles of wine. Upon arriving to my flat we decided to play poker. While wearing fake mustaches. Best. Idea. Ever. Red wine + poker + mustaches + camera = wonderful Idea. For added fun we threw an eye patch into the mix. It was fantastic. We also ended up watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons at one point. That was definitely one of my favorite evenings here in Berlin. I’m laughing now thinking about it. Amazing.
This is relatively late in the evening. I had by this time changed out of my play attire and into much more comfortable clothes. The most comfortable being my eye patch.
We affectionaly call this man Capt. Corkscrew. Because William already has a mustache he used his to make a unibrow.
This is also one of my favorite photos of all time.
Any way eventually we went to sleep, around like 4:30, and thus ended Thursday, or began Friday as the case was.