So, because I can’t focus on my Term Paper right now, I give you the second installment of what I did while Bev was here.
Having left off on Wednesday, I will begin my story anew from Thursday. Ok, so I just checked my previous update and now realize I only wrote through Tuesday. This may take longer than I thought.
Wednesday the 20th
I began the morning by waking up absurdly early so that I could make it to class on time for our field trip. This field trip was less than fantastic because we were visiting the Jewish memorial that was recently built. This was in a word depressing. Erin and I decided to skip the history room because it was all stuff that we already knew and were thus the first two people out of the memorial building. This is the direct cause to our meeting a random man from Hamburg. He heard us talking about the street in Hamburg where the Prostitutes hang out and supplied us with the name. I promise this was relative information for our lit class and we weren’t just randomly talking about prostitutes in Hamburg. He was an interesting if creepy kind of guy and we talked with him until we saw more people from class exit the memorial. I say he was creepy because I don’t like it when random people approach me and try and converse; weirds me out far too much. Upon finally having the whole class together we got to listen to Berking ramble about things I don’t care about and here a presentation on the observation deck. Woo.
When this field trip ended I booked it back to IES to meet up with Bev for lunch. As we were leaving IES to hit up the Italian place from Monday we ran into William. There were words exchanged regarding his failure to show up the previous evening; in essence, we effectively guilted him into coming to lunch with us.
Lunch was less tasty than I was hoping because they decided to mix up my order and I don’t care enough to correct them. I’m not a fan of sending my food back. I envy Bev’s pasta. There is no good way to transition to this next thought so bear with me and I just kind of go. The service at this restaurant is quite slow and contributed to my decision not to go to the next three classes I had (Ok, so this might count as a mistake). If I could remember the exact sequence of events in the conversation that led to this decision (beyond not wanting to go because Bev was in town) I’d tell you. In my defense I have never before then legitimately ditched a class for no reason. If I’m missing class I’m either sick or physically not in the state. So yea we didn’t go back to IES after lunch. Instead we went to a park and drank wine.
Drinking wine in a park with sun was quite possibly the best way to spend a few hours when not in class. I must say I quite enjoyed it. And after the wine was through or close to it, Bev pulled out nail polish and we proceeded to paint her toenails, William’s fingernails, and half of my finger nails. Yes, half. I got bored/didn’t feel like it anymore. Story of my life.
Here you have me, not in class, and Beverly, chilling in the park. Twas masterful.
This is William getting his nails done. He is quite possibly going to maim me for putting this on the internet. *shrug* such are the problems of my life.
This is clearly me painting my nails.
This is a photo of Bev's feet. Yes, you needed to see it.
After the park we (Beverly and I) decided that we needed ice cream. This was also a wonderful decision. And from here we decided to go to William’s because his host mom wouldn’t stop calling him. This was where Beverly got to play with a 105 year old violin and we found out more about cocorosie or whatever their name is. It’s a band. And then William sang for us. Unless I have my days wrong, which is entirely possible. Oh yea, I’m forgetting all kinds of awesome.
We’re now backtracking to the afternoon between the park and ice cream. We went to the DDR museum. I forgot to mention a whole museum excursion. I am so bad at this remembering what I’ve done thing.
After the park, I asked Bev what she had been planning to do while I was in class. Answer: DDR museum because you get to play with everything! This is quite possibly the most perfect museum for Beverly and I. So we headed that direction. In doing so we passed by the Altes Museum, a church, and a fountain. Bev and I may or may not have stopped at said fountain to dip our feet in and enjoy the cool water. William was uncomfortable with this. We laughed and told him to join us. He didn’t. We were however accosted by a gypsy who did not like being ignored by us. She didn’t like us so much that she kicked Bev’s sandals into the fountain. We laughed pretty hard at this.
Eventually we made it to the DDR museum and literally played with everything. I got to “drive” the Trabi they have on display there and Bev and I made tea. The only thing we didn’t play with was the movie they have showing, mainly because it was kind of boring. History has only ever been that fun a few times. Like when we were secret agent man rolling in the back of Wilkinson’s class. That was good times. (Dear mom and dad, when I say we in that previous sentence, I mean Jack. I was ever the good student and was taking furious notes as this debauchery was going on. And by taking notes I mean laughing really hard and not paying attention at all. Tada!). There are pictures of us playing with just about everything, but you only get to see these:
This first image is of me basking in the sun next to the fountain.
because Photobucket keeps crashing my internet you get to enjoy it in small form.
This is Beverly about to traipse of to school in the DDR!
DDR toosl being used for my evil purposes of ..grinding William's head?
Twenty years of life and this is probably one of about five photos of me behind the wheel. The others involve red and yellow plastic.
Anyhoodles, after the museum we got ice cream and then went to Alexanderplatz to buy BUS SIMULATOR!! As you can see I am clearly pleased by this. Ever since William and I had found it and he didn’t buy it, William has regretted this decision. Pretend that makes sense. So, having time to kill, we went to the store and bought said video game.
As we were walking back to the trams so we could get to my house (it’s closer) we ran into Meggie. You remember her from Denmark right? Yea. That was awkward. She gave me her number and I just never called her because I was busy with Bev and had no idea how long she’d be there.
On the way to my house from the trams we passed the store and left with more wine. This wine was then opened and consumed while William tried to make Bus Simulator work on my computer. Unfortunately it didn’t. This did not however deter us from having far too much fun on our own.
William is to the right of us on my lap top. See, we are clearly able to enjoy life even if Bus Simulator is being stupid.
Proof that William is a sad panda because Bus SImulator won't work.
It was then that we decided to go to William’s because his host mom kept calling.
I’m now trying to remember the next course of events. I know Bev found out that if she talked to William’s dog in Spanish it wouldn’t bite her. I’m pretty sure from here we went to Heidi’s. This involved us buying two bottles of champagne at the spätkauf by her house and playing on the playground. Once again, German’s have the best playgrounds ever. Heidi’s has a tire swing, normal swings, a zip line!!, and climb-y stuff. Bev and I went through our champagne in the course of the evening and basically a good time was had by all. I’m pretty sure everyone loved the zip line a great deal and it is still the most hilarious idea ever to go doubles on it. I rekindled my love of tire swings and in general had a massively awesome time. I can only assume, Dan, John, William, Heidi, Victoria, and Bev agree with me.
Eventually we left. This is when the drink actually began kicking in, for the first time like ever, it was interesting. I know I talked with William, though not entirely sure about what. I can only hope that I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. I also know that during this period, Bev walked off and I’m just glad I found her again. Then Bev and I were back at my house after not falling asleep on the U. We decided it would be too much hassle to get her back to her hostel and we passed out.
And there you have the jam packed Wednesday that Bev and I shared while she was in Germany.
Because I need to get back to my paper I must bid you adieu. Please direct all heckling/comments/judgments to either my email or the comments.
Love and Hugs,