May 08, 2009 19:20
My life hasn't been particularly spectacular these past couple of days. I went to prom last weekend, though. That was fun. A lot more fun then I thought it would be. Especially after I realized that everyone around me couldn't dance, so it wouldn't matter if I couldn't either. Which I can't. But that's ok. :D
Hmm. I can't really think of anything else. I've written two chapters of what I hope will be a really amazing ZoSan fic, but I'm too apprehensive to post it yet. Have to work up the courage!
WARNING! I'm about to rant about my teacher, so if you don't want to hear the angry ramblings of a teenage sociopath, I'd just skip down if I were you.
My sixth hour teacher is HORRIBLE! She is so unorganized! She's lost a bunch of my papers already, and I swear if I fail that class I'm going to stab her in the neck. I've been there every single day and she's trying to tell me that I haven't been there to do my work. BOLOGNA!!! COLD, HARD, MOLDY BOLOGNA!!! AND THEN! When you ask her a simple question, SHE BITES YOUR HEAD OFF WITH SHARP AND POINTY TEETH! For instance, today we had to watch a video in class, and she wanted us all to do a worksheet for it. One of my friends was absent today, and I asked if I could get an extra worksheet for her (the teacher put us all in groups so that if someone in our group was missing, we could fill them in on what we did because the teacher is too unorganized to tell them herself, and my friend was in my group). Anyway, I asked for the worksheet, and she yelled at me, saying that it wasn't my responsibility, it was my absent friends! I'm ashamed to say I snapped. I had been having a really bad day, and she just happened to get on my last nerve. I calmly told her that she had put us in groups so that we could fill each other in on what we missed if one of us was absent, and that if she really didn't want us doing that, then she need to go back to f-ing college and learn how to be a really f-ing teacher, because she was doing a horrible job. I'm proud to say she handed me the worksheet and shut up. Apparently she did have some sense, after all.
PHEW! That was a lot to get off my chest!
In other, less angry, news, I've decided to get my father something for Mother's day. It's something he wouldn't be expecting, and for once, I want to be unpredictable! I don't want to get him a rose, though. I want to get him something a little more manly then that, but stay under a $10 budget. Any ideas?
Well, I think that's all for now. I should start working on my essay for English, but it's not due until Monday, and I only have one paragraph left, so...
blah rant