Feb 10, 2009 09:58
i am referring to the right wing of our country's political spectrum and who could blame them. this current ecomonic time is being called the worst crisis in capitolism in our country's history since the great depression. and why? because of large scale deregulation of the financial markets and slashing of corporate taxes. now we have corporations that are considered too big to fail and look where it got us?
the entire way they think is on trail and it doesn't look good.
Barack Obama may not be the progressive wet dream that i'm looking for in an elected official, but at least i can listen to him speak and not be embarrassed for my country. If he gets the first two years of his presidency right, i believe progressives will make great strides in the 2010 mid-term elections. i've never felt more optimistic for our country's future.
that doesn't mean that i'm without concerns. the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan need to end immediately. people who authorized torture need to be held accountable. etc. etc.
stay tuned, this is going to get interesting!