Apr 09, 2011 16:14
Well sorry I haven't been on lj for ages. I haven't a clue when I last updated. Its not too bad learn a lot but man you realise what you miss when away from lj. Still I wouldn't be without fb. In other words facebook. I'm trying my best and its same old, same old with only a few interruptions along the way. First of all huge hugs to those who need them as some who read this entry are going or have gone through some extremely difficult and trying times lately. Well hope your ok friends and thanks for reading this.
Today Mum went on a trip with other people and won't be back until Saturday some time. Sounds like shee'll have a good trip so hope it works out. also still good friends with David, he pops in and sees me etc. etc. etc. I'm so lucky to have him as a friend, doing grocery shopping together among other things. alright that's a very brief summary of what I've been doing. going out with support workers, listening to daisy book on cd maybe listening to the radio and watching Telly. I have had visitors occasionally but that's about all accept I did buy a new pair of shoes recently. They are sneakers. I bought them at a sports shop. They should be lovely and comfortable to walk in. the other sneakers are still alright I suppose at the moment. oh did I mention i got a ring with my birth stone in it recently? Its a citrine. My birthday is in November. Ok I'll get out of here and leave you alone until next time. God willing I'll be back. Take care. Thanks for writing in lj and I love what your doing. It makes me happy. Not sure when I'll be on msn thing, Skype etc. Some reading this know what I mean. Feel free to get in touch the ways you know how, email and if I'm available I'll try to chat. Ok I'm going. take care and please look after yourself. Bye for now.