Nov 26, 2008 21:05
I have a rather cute story to share. My little baby cousin (who's turning 2 years old this week) just did the darndest thing. I haven't seen him for almost a month because I've been swamped with work. I came home tonight, and he started following me around as I dumped my work laptop in my room and changed into my comfortable PJs. (I'm the type who changes into pajamas the minute I get home...I like to wear comfortable clothing!). Anyway, he looked at me and very, very CLEARLY said, "I love Ohno."
YES. I kid you not.
He said that to me.
Ok, to be honest, I was a little confused at first when he said that to me...I kept thinking he was trying to tell me something about "Arnold", and I had no clue why he was talking about Arnold. My sister suggested he was trying to say "Arthur" for that children's series on PBS. But, it just suddenly dawned on me what he was trying to say, and I pretty much burst out laughing and freaked.
You see, he sometimes hangs around me when I'm watching Arashi on my laptop. He's probably more interested in the laptop than Arashi, but in an effort to indoctrinate the young early, I will tell him "That's Ohno" every time Ohno showed up on the screen. And look, it's worked! A month without seeing me, and he has already associated in his 2 year old brain that he loves Ohno! Awesome.
It makes it even more awesome that this happened on Ohno's birthday (US time at least). Happy Birthday, Ohno!
baby cousin,
kids say the cutest thing,