Oct 10, 2009 05:03
I like consistency. I like it when people are consistent. I like being consistent. Maybe because I equate the word consistency with equality. That's pretty much about the only moral that I have. If you are gonna do something, you might as well be consistent about it.
I've been examining my political views lately. Being educated at a fairly liberal minded high school and college, and studying social science for as long as I have, I've found myself being more familiar and comfortable with liberal ideas. I am currently hopelessly in love with a staunch conservative, who insists that he is merely a fiscal conservative (but based on our debates, honey, I can tell you aren't as open minded as you seem to think you are) anyway, it's certainly leading me to spend more time to think about what my priorities are and how they match up with the priorities we'd expect from the average American.
And let me tell you, it's the most paradoxical feeling in the world to realize how similar you are to everyone else in your rational egoism and desire for self preservation (prosperity), but also feel like you have absolutely nothing else in common with these people who tout the most rigid of malleable values. I know this sounds ridiculous and probably doesn't make sense because hey, I'm writing this at like 5:30 in the morning, but basically....
Sometimes I don't feel like I'm one of you people. I've never felt like I belonged in society...or even on this planet really...but as opposed to when I was younger and I thought I was special and somehow better for not having "typical" beliefs (whatever the heck that means) now I'm kind of under the opinion that this doesn't make me special at all...or even better....it doesn't really make me anything, because there isn't such a thing as typical beliefs and no one aside from myself would even care if I had them anyway. The only thing my beliefs are doing is making me depressed by pointing out all the inconsistencies and hypocrisies in what I see of the world. So in my quest for consistency...I've determined that the best course to keep my pessimism from consuming me is to attempt apathy.
So I'm done. I don't want to talk about philosophy, morals, religion, any of that shit anymore. I don't even want to think about that stuff.
In my quest for self prosperity, that's not going to do any good. From now on I will on pursue the most superficial of ideas, and I will do my best to do what society expects of me because that's the only way I'm going to attain what really matters to me as an American.