(no subject)

May 28, 2006 20:16

isnt it fun?
ok so lets see...whats new in my life?

-woke up at 3
-went to downtown LA
-scott dylan michael michelle annie and susanna
-walked around and did crazy shit
-went into a hotel and took over a room just for the hell of it...luckly we werent caught or kicked out
-went and saw xmen with tyler scott and dylan
-went to hth for some crazy game thing
-played ping pong with scott and dylan
-watched people play hackysack (spelling?)
-listened to tyler and scott play guitar
-saw people
-tyler broke my seat belt
-drove scott and dylan home

-woke up and read until scott and dylan called to see if i wanted to go hang out with them...i couldnt
-zack called me and invited me to is party
-i forgot about zacks party
-emily (HoTY) michelle and lisa called me repeatedly to try to get me to go out with them so finally i gave in
-went to the grove with my A-gamers (inside joke dont ask)
-waited 2 hours for a table at the cheesecake factory
-emily requested a cute waiter
-finally got seated and talked to our waiter zack for like 4 hours (we ate really slow)
-zack is 24 next saturday hes originally from ohio went to college in southern florida and moved out here with his older bro a little over a year ago
-zack invited us to his bday party after his shift so we ate till his shift ended at midnight
-went to the party for a little while
-zack asked me out but i said no cause 1) hes 24 and 2) i still want someone else
-got home at like 1ish cause the party was boring
-talked to jimmy

-woke up
-watched a movie
-took a shower
-went to a stupid party
-had to deal with amy
-just got home
-might go out later depends

-no plans yet so please call me and make plans

so hows my life right now? been better but ill live

so i doubt many people read this but if you did post a comment with your favorite memory of us
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