This is, well, girl-stuff. Getting older girl-stuff. You are hence warned, especially if you're a tender petal of a boy (make that "bo-o-o-o-o-oy") who's default attitude is that we have grossness for bodies.
You know, there was a moment some, no make that "many" months ago, when I'd written in a slightly hypochondriac way that I was pretty sure I'd experienced my first hot flush. It was a sort relevatory moment of "looks like a duck, quacks like a duck", which seemed to match anything I'd ever read about this first indication of menopause.
After a couple more like that, pretty much clumped in that week, it'd stopped.
I'm just thinking fondly of it, today because, well, yes, in addition to the period having arrived, pretty much bang-on-schedule (for what passes for schedule with me - 24 - 26 day cycles, with the occasional outlier extending to 28 or 29. But, that's not my problem.
It's this poking sensation, right about where the sacrum ends and the buttock begins (*pats self there* "You're not fat, you're good muscle and help me pedal my bike and get up stairs, and help stabilize while going down them, too! Now shush with the fat-anxiety!") that is driving me Up The Wall. Relieved by all manner of unlikely and inconvenient things - hotpads, traction on the leg bent at the knee and pulled across my bod until the hip is ready to pop! out the joint, ah yes, sweet relief. Until the palliative is removed. *grumble* The ibuprofen's taken care of the crick in my shoulder (the usual story about sleeping weird on it last night) but this... this thing twixt back and hip? Nah. Are you kidding?
Hot tea until 1400. Red wine after. *smile* Ah, there's a thought to cheer a girl's heart. Maybe we have some of that port-style that Jake helped us make? Or... nah, wait with that one - he's due in at the airport later today, it might be nice to wait and offer it then. I'm reasonably certain he's had no time to make another batch.
Hot tea, then. *checks watch* Next dose of ibuprofen soon... soon... and thinking fond thoughts of when menopause finally decides to arrive: my mom was 50 before there was even a sign of it. *sigh*
Thanks for stoppin'.