Oh, I forgot to mention in the main post, so I'll add it as a comment here to you (lucky you, with all that injury-time faunching) - we also did henkawaza, techniques that blend from one to another - specifically, concentrating on shiho nage, when the uke spins around to undo the spin introduced by tore - a major "ooops!" moment that often happens without needing any help, actually. But this time, we did a series of irimi nage based moves, including one that sort of started out as that, but then tore reaches around with the non-leading hand, across the shoulder and chest, to grab the uke's tunic, and effectively bring uke down with the unbalancing of the torso - and a little strangulation in the bargain, gleep!
Crazy(so glad we can chat aikido together here, so sorry you're currently sidelined post-collision - boo!)Soph
Comments 4
Crazy(effleurage or tapotement? *wink*)Soph
Crazy(so glad we can chat aikido together here, so sorry you're currently sidelined post-collision - boo!)Soph
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