(no subject)

Jul 30, 2009 01:46

I read this secret (and the email from the girl who sent it in) on Sunday.  I went and followed her on twitter shortly thereafter...
tonight, when I saw her tweet that read "I can't pretend I'm happy tonight because I'm NOT. Things are not okay and I am not okay." I felt the need to do something.

So, I followed the link on her twitter page to her facebook profile (yes, I know, kind of stalker-like), and I told her that I've been where she's at, and that while it may suck right now, she is strong enough to get through this.

Why did I feel the need to do this?  Because I have been where she's at...that breaking point where you just want to give up...I've been at the point where I felt there was nothing worth going on for, because all I saw in front of me was more pain and heartbreak.  I can honestly say that had it not been for the actions and words of some very precious people, I would not be here as the person you know today...hell, I might not be here period had it not been for a certain person's actions.

I hate that this girl is struggling in one of the darkest pits we as humans have to deal with-that damned pit of depression and despair-but if all the pain and suffering I went though last spring (and the wisdom and compassion gained from having walked though that valley of darkness) helps me say something-anything-that eases her pain for even a second, then it will have been worth it.

To anyone out there who is feeling alone and struggling with that monster depression...you aren't alone, and if you need a friend to walk alongside you though your valley, I am right here, and I will keep my hand out just in case you need a hand to help you hold on a little bit longer.

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