Jul 11, 2004 08:02
It's Sunday morning and I'm up before 8am. What's wrong with me? Ah, probably because I went to bed at 11pm. This weekend has been lazy which is nice since I have been so busy lately. I can't wait until my night class is over because it just takes too much energy out of me. Sitting in a classroom for 4hrs after I worked an 8hr shift is quite difficult to consentrate. But I manage and hopefully I get a decent grade in the class. The grades from my afternoon class are going to be posted sometime this week. Crossing my fingers on that. On the midterm paper I got an A but I'm not sure how well I did on the final. I thought the paper was a little worse than the midterm. But I didn't miss a class so that could help me out a bit.
So today since I'm up at the butt crack of dawn I think I'll work on some homework for my Ethnicity, Race, And Religion class. We need to make a log of articles that pertain to the class from the Journal every day. I've only got like five. Not so good. Maybe I'll throw a little laundry in there too. Wow I'm so damn exciting :p