
Aug 27, 2005 11:26

Doesn't sephs_cock have anything better to do?

Nope. It’s his cock, what do you expect? It can probably do a few tricks, though, if you ask nicely.

Would celestialsoda look better not wearing pants, or not wearing a shirt?

Pants, yep. Dude, Soda would look hot dressed as an elephant. She would look hot if she WAS an elephant. Her hotness knows no bounds.

What will maegunnbatt be like in twenty years?

Still cooler than the rest of us, hiding from her fangirls, and kicking ass. Hopefully not mine.

Is parisianpierrot evil?

Definitely. It’s so strange, she’s nice and friendly. *shudders* Who ever heard of such madness?

maegunnbatt: pansy, or wuss?

*snickers* Pansy, because - Pansy!

What do teawithvoldy and spessartine have in common?

Hmmm. Besides the fact that they’re disgustingly talented and I love them like whoa, they both have vowels in their username?

Did nohiddenbeauty steal the cookie from the cookie jar?

Of course she did! Who else? Certainly not me - me, eat anything with chocolate in it? IMPOSSIBLE.

Who would make a better stuffed animal, eleanor_zara or ruxi?

OH, now this is a truly hard question. Mmm, can I have them both? I promise not to abandon them in the attic.

What is the most insightful thing you have heard lazy_neutrino say?

Well…*scratches head* She practically predicted the Horcrux idea weeks before HBP came out, and has written fics that are at least as good as canon, but my favourite would be ‘Greyback has got Remus spreadeagled on the floor and i don't actually know what he's going to do with him.’ I think we know what she did with him.

What kind of person would you set up with inell?

Someone kinky. XD With red hair and freckles, of course, and preferably five brothers.

How many people has spessartine seduced?

The entire fandom, if not by now then soon enough (you h0r!), which is why she is never meeting my parents, because parents are NOT allowed to be seduced. Also why I hope she never meets JRM, because he’d be bowled over by her ebil charm and lost to me forever.

How will paulamcg die?

*blinks* Paula? Mortal? Die? I’ve never heard such nonsense! I have a feeling she’ll live forever and laugh hysterically at my funeral. Bring me lilies, please, Paula, and cry a little.

What four adjectives best describe uliczka?

Just one: she’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

What kind of book would luminousmarble and kiss_me_hard jointly write?

A pretty one, full of girls turning boys gay, ‘cause that’s what they do best.

If a_t_rain and sionnain were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?

I would, sadly enough.

What historical figure does history_spork most remind you of?

*sniggers* Ah, this is just too amusing.

It's all captainjames's fault, isn't it?

Of course! Him and those evil fish of his.

What does nebulaean spend the most time doing?

Making me go gaga, the horribly talented person that she is. And not only that, but she has a way of making me jealous of her cabinets.

When's the last time you saw vivier?

Last night in my dreams. *winks* You were organizing my closet. No, really. What else would you be doing?

How many licks would sionnain take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

I wouldn’t know. Bellatrix might, though. *points in right direction*

japonicastar: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?

*ponders* Pirate, because then she could kidnap me and whisk me away to the Bahamas. Remember to bring sunscreen and lipbalm, Japonica, okay?

paradox01 is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?

Bitch, please, she can get out herself. I’ll just sit down here with my mineral water so I can watch. And laugh, because I’m cruel like that.

Would kikei be better described as a hero or a villian?

Villain, ‘cause they’re sexier. And she pwns blackcest.

What was guza wearing, the last time you noticed?

She was wrapped up in foil paper like a hotdog, if I remember correctly.

In what ways are you smarter than slytherincess?

Um, I can unwrap a Starburst with my tongue, does that count?

What’s up with ruxi?

I don’t know. She’s barking mad, obviously, and must be locked up immediately for our safety. I promise to let you go to the bathroom occasionally, though, ruxi, alright?

What is ac1d6urn's fantasy?

Most likely something involving Snape. I’ll tie him down for you, if you like.

Right, I hope I didn’t offend anyone too much. I tried to, but it might not have worked. Damn. I suck at being mean.

And, if you want:

1. Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.

Maybe not jello - chocolate, perhaps? I’m more familiar with chocolate, and it’d be much more pleasant to wrestle in.

A few of my friends rented one of my favourite clubs in the city last night and everyone I’ve ever met was there, and I do mean EVERYONE, including my ex-boyfriend who dumped me for another man. Um, yeah. But it was so nice of them and I don’t even want know how much it cost or else I’ll be feeling guilty until the day I die, but it’s nice to know every now and then that your friends do actually like you, ha. And I don’t feel any older - it seems that every year my maturity diminishes even more, and I’m afraid I’ll start giggling every time someone says ‘come’ or ‘moist’ like the idiot ten-year-old next door. Someone save me.

God, I'm tired. I'm so tired I can't even yawn anymore. And my feet hurt.
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