The most beautiful boy in the world

Jul 22, 2010 17:20

Okay, screw Harry/Draco and Remus/Sirius. You know what the hottest pairing ever to grace the Internet is?

I give you...

Jonathan Rhys Meyers/Ewan McGregor. HOT, don't you think?

Now, I detest mpreg as much as the next person but THEY WOULD HAVE THE PRETTIEST BABIES EVER. I mean, LOOK at them.

This gives new meaning to I'm jealous of your cigarette. I'm jealous of the table, too, and the water bottle, and JRM's shirt, and hell, I'm jealous of them because HOW is it possible to find a man in RL to match up?

THEY'RE SO PRETTY! Forget about sex and smut and prOn, just LOOKING at them is hotter than hell. But even so, here is them *dies* in bed together:

and here is ASS:

And people wonder why slash is so popular. THIS is why.

Awwww! They look so petulant and grumpy that it's impossible not to love it.


Laugh all you want, sweetie, but I'm not going anywhere.

*snickers* Spream 'em a little wider, Jonny. Could he BE more of a slut?

I admit, I’m mostly interested in the JRM side of this pairing. He's better-looking by a landslide (well, he is!) but there's something very compelling about Ewan..he looks so soft to me, and not in a bad way.

vivier, don’t you think JRM’s a bit androgynous? He’s got such a pretty mouth and he’s prettier than any girl I know; put him in a skirt and slap eyeliner on him and you get a bombshell.

And spessartine? I'm sorry, I'm abandoning JRM/Olivier/JRM because - I mean - LOOK! :D

ETA: NEVERMIND. Have just realized how utterly HOT JRM/Olivier/Ewan would be.

ETA II: Can't believe I forgot these!

Bouncing and screaming and being idiots, aren't they cute?

Ewan looks surprisingly good with blond hair. Jonny does, too:

*shivers* Reminds me too much of Draco Malfoy, but hotter. And back to Velvet Goldmine:

Long live glam rock and pretty gay boys.

If you haven't seen Velvet Goldmine yet, well, what are you waiting for?

ETA III: And more of just JRM - I'm trying to give guza a heart attack.

HANDS DOWN THE BEST JONNY PIC EVER. Those eyes, good god. Those eyes!

Mmmm, I love this one, he looks so damn cocky.

And oh god, I know it's huge but I haven't the heart to shrink it down, because SQUEEEEE!!! It's from the Elvis mini-series (he's been nominated for an Emmy for it) and just - GAH.

He looks like he's making love to his cigarette adfdkjfkdlkdls



Save a horse, ride a cowboy. TRUER WORDS HAVE NEVER BEEN SPOKEN.

And, pshhhht, forget JRM/Ewan, why not JRM/JRM?

ETA IV: 'Cause it's fun when paradox01 types in CAPSLOCK. :)

Just to continue with the cowboy theme...

Is there anything hotter than JRM in boots? Anything?

Young and pretty Jonny...

Do you think he realizes how sexy he is?

Nevermind, of course he does, how could he not?

JRM with a horse...

...and a dog...

...and a bird. I can't possibly express how much I want to be that bird right now, but oh god, I WANT TO BE THAT BIRD.

And one of that infamous white shirt

And one of the brown shirt

And one with an undershirt

And one with no shirt

Umm, yeah...

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