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Mar 05, 2008 18:09

So it's been awhile eh? HOWL MAKEOVER! <3 It was bound to happen again! BEST MOVIE EVER! I was so bored with pink and having every profile on every site I go on coved with Oran. I seem to lose interest in things.. like LJ, Neopets, Anime.. I blame the RKC for all of that XD I never thought I'd get back into my Petz game but hey.. I also never thought I'd leave neopets :/ It has been destroyed and I vow never to go back..

Today I woke up to snow and ice covering everything making getting out of bed very difficult. It was no surprise that my school was still open (2 hour delay.. wooohoo.. ). The bus was a half hour late and I was starting to feel a flu coming on so when I FINALLY got to school I was not at all thrilled that well over half my class decided not to show up (Including the teacher!!). Most schools would look around and say "yeah.. no point to having class.. Go home" but we trudged on.. all eight of us. The rescue group we work with brought us three 1-2 year old terrier mixes to work on (physical, blood work, HW test, vaccinate etc. and then later they were getting fixed by the surgery class). My group worked on "Teeka" a female terrier/pug mix who seemed to have given birth recently. She was scared but VERY sweet. She let us check her over and seemed to enjoy all the attention (we got LOTS of kisses :3). Then came time to draw blood.. and it was my turn. With my teacher's guidance I was able to draw the blood and run all the necessary tests (I always seem to get stuck running the blood work -_-) which all came back negative or WNL. (YAY TEEKA!) I was so thrilled I drew blood on my first try.. I wanted to dance around the lab holding up the tube in victory.. but I resisted XD We work with a wonderful rescue group and get great dogs to work on.. I could tell poor Teeka had a rough start in life and I was very proud to assist her rescuers with her medical needs :) (and yes.. anything we do to these dogs and cats is under STRICT vet/registered tech supervision!)

Later that day I have a Clin. Path. Lab and we were all praying Dr. Linehan would cancel our test due to the lack of students.. but she didn't ;__; It was a pretty easy test on parasite identification.. BUT STILLL! XD In lab today we got to look at fecal samples that actually had some eggs. (most the time they are clean as we collect the poop from the dogs that come in from the rescue group). I got to see T. canis eggs but the Trichuris vulpis eggs that were promised to be in there alluded me ;__;. (round worms and whip worms) We also go to practice blood smearing techniques which are a lot harder than they look ;_; I really need to get started on my project for this class.. DUE MONDAY ;_;

Tonight I think I'll work on posing some of my dogz that have been giving me a hard time.. (JACK... X___X I may need to get a handler for him XD) I also need to get new poses on Bullet and Free for the show they are in. SO MUCH TO DO!
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