Just for those who have asked for me to post more pictures.. I have some more that I'll post after the cut-- so if you are lookin for em there they are! Let's see.. yesterday was an active day.. I did exercize in the morning.. went out in my shorts and t shirt again and played basketball, then jogged and lifted weights... then I played a few holes of golf on the course (which is private, so we can't usually play on it at leisure, but its closed since it was christmas eve) so by the end of all that I was exhausted. Today-- being Christmas, we did the usual gift part of things.. I finally got myself a router or whatever for wireless internet and some spyware stuff so I can set up my computer when Kelly finally takes her laptop back ;). What else, they gave me some American Express gift cards to get the things I couldn't carry back on the plane.. I got a Killers album and an All American Rejects album, a book from Leah about Psychotherapy and the Tao Te Ching (fantastic) and a book from Seth "And now I can die in peace" apparently by a funny writer about the Red Sox so i'm looking forward to that. IT was a smaller Christmas this year because of Gil being out of work, but i was still shocked about how much was under the tree. I always kind of expect the amount to go down since we're all older, (other than steve who's 13) But yea. OK I think I'll add some of this in the cut since who knows who's reading...
But yea after that I cleaned up and got dressed... sat with the family then played some more golf with my little bro Steve, Seth and Gil. It was fun at first but quickly got frustrating. Was very warm out again today though! I'm wondering if I'll come home with some color from all the sun I've gotten. I hope so, but its not like summer weather its just really warm. I've got some pics though from this morning and last night so here goes...
OK, here's Steve and I cuddlin when the fam was watchin a movie on Christmas Eve.
And Leah and I with my adorable dog Corduroy in between
Here's Steve in his new Red Sox hat and with his new golf driver, and me waking up amidst the presents Christmas morning, and Gil as well.
That's it for now.. i'm sure there will be more if there is any interest.