anonymous thingy, and lots of wet robe sleeves

May 27, 2005 15:20

Leave me an anonymous comment pouring your heart out. Say anything. Tell me your stories, your secrets, those things no one ever asks, but you wish to tell. Tell me about your love, your hate, your indifference, your joy. Tell me what's inside of you when you're reading through my entries on your friends list, and tell me why you continue to come back here. Tell me anything. Tell me what you really think of me or yourself. Anything.
Post anonymously [by selecting the anonymous box]. Speak honestly, because there isn't any censure here. Post as many times as you like. One faceless wonder to another. You don't have to be on my friends list. You can just be stopping through. It doesn't matter.

Ooh yay! fun reading anonymous comments (assumimg someone actually responds...) maybe i'll get some that are like "moira, you are the ugliest person ive ever met, both on the inside, and the outside." that would be fun.

choir concert was funish. our part was not so good (well, with a few exceptions) i especially liked the part where the whole choir sang the wrong part of the song. my solo ended up shakey, because for some rediculous reason i was nervous. but some people thought it was pretty, so ill just pretend i liked it too.
i cried during the whole senior part. actually, cried is an understatement. after all, i was crying long after everyone else stopped. and then when i stopped, sincl said something sweet, and it made me cry again. oh, silly moira and her silly silly emotions.

i had the same responce to nick chaskin that you did alice! i saw him in the hallway when i went to go to the bathroom. it was strange to see him flirting with girls wasnt it?

i hate mr. opawale, but i love my friends. therefore i am off to find one (or two!) of them...
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