Dec 10, 2004 04:45
YAAAY!!!!!!!! bethie's mommy lemme bring home my compy. :-) Happy bethie. But bethie thinks that bethie is most likely going to fail english. Sad bethie. bethie also thinks that ms. candler would explod after seeing this post. mew. bethie got a D+ in music appreciation. bethie thinks that ms. watson should be fired. mew. bethie would really like to know her grade in oral comm. bethie thinks that will be a good grade. it is an easy class... at least with mr. earp. yay. but mr. earp procrastinates. so mr. earp has not yet put up the grades. sad bethie. bethie is happy that english grade is not yet up, because that means procrastinating a bit more with mommy. i fear telling mommy. whee. bethie is enjoying talking of herself in third person. bethie is going to go to sleep before mommy wakes up... lol... sleep. yay.