This is a compiled list of ideas from
naturalliving on the issue of mosquitoes and their propensity to bite me. I posted a series of questions, and these are the suggestions I got. I'd like to pick up seeds for the plants this weekend. Even if they don't help, they are still plants I'd love to have around. I'll have to look into how much the EOs would cost me. Or I more importantly I guess, or maybe equally important, if I can tolerate the smell of them. I've already been contemplating adding garlic back into my supplements, so maybe in my next order I'll order them. Not too sure I like the idea of drinking vinegar every day. That and vegemite will be low on my list of things to try.
I love the idea of bat boxes. I may just look into that for the hell of it. Bats are cool and they eat bugs.
Needless to say though, with all these ideas, I will not be consuming mass quantities of either whiskey or gin. I'm not even sure I've EVER had gin. I know I've had whiskey. That night was also the first night I puked from drinking.
Internal ways to prevent bites:
•eating/taking garlic supplements
•drinking a couple spoonfuls of vinegar each day
•apple cider vinegar + warm water + honey
•joggin' in a jug (google for it - it's vinegar + juices + honey)
•a lot of whiskey and/or gin,
•No bananas or high potassium foods, may have something to do with the lactic acid that is produced
On the bites:
•squeeze lemon juice on
•Lime juice
•Tea tree and lavender oil
•stick to FULL sunlight
•work within the spray of a gentle sprinkler
•plants: citronella, marigolds, catnip (Nepeta cataria), Nicotina, Pennyroyal and lavender. You have to remember to crush the leaves a bit though.
•An open bottle of Pennyroyal EO is good. Citronella, rosemary, lemongrass and cedar EOs are good.
•If you see any standing water around, put a tablespoon of olive oil in it.
•Vanilla essence is good to put on your body to repel them. Just dab it on your pulse points and around. I keep some in a spray bottle. I wear the vanilla and bug spray to bed because when you are sleeping is prime eating for them.
•There are several all-natural bug repellent sprays and they all work fairly well. The one with catnip works especially well. I combine them with the vanilla.
•Don't wear dark clothing, don't exercise and/or get sweaty, don't burn candles, don't wear floral or fruity fragrance. Wear armor, stay indoors.
•Bats eat mosquitoes. If there is anything you can do to encourage a bat population
•smoke cigars and it repelled them, but he doesn't smoke anymore, so he just lights one and sets it near
With asian tiger mosquitoes, normal measures don’t really work (extra B-1, no bananas, not breathing)