TWO good things

Feb 20, 2003 16:27

Good thing #1:
go to, i listen to that radio station, how else do you think i know about all the usless stuff i tell some of you?) and on the left, closings and delays.

Good thing #2:
i got my SAT scores back today.... I must say they weren't a surprise. The test was too easy. 590 on the verbal and 480 on the math(math was most certainly the less surprising of the two) to make a combined score of 1,070. I scored higher than 77% of the US's 12 graders in the verbal, but only 37% in the math(go figure). I think I have my scores memorized XD
by the time i take it for REAL i'll be scoring the 700s :)
i am recieving john's hopkins talented youth award in june. yipee.
Helena, you MUST tell me how you did! we sweated that darn test out together(okay, a room apart), and I want to know by how many hundreds you beat me! XP
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