May 17, 2004 17:08
Whether or not you're getting any, by the time your pregnancy is visible, your whole life is about sex, anyway. A pregnant woman is about as sexual a symbol as there is, and though there are now as many forms of assisted reproduction as there are fingers on my hands, most people still get a baby the old-fashioned way. That means that once your pregnancy starts to show, the entire world (even your parents) has clear proof that you do it. I don't care how old you are or how long you've been married, that's embarrassing! Being pregnant in public is like standing up in a crowd and announcing "I had sex!" And it's public sexuality - think about it - you know how perfect strangers feel free to touch pregnant women? I'm sorry, but I'm just not down with that. It riled me when strange men would come up to me and pat me on the belly. I wanted to say, "Hey Bub, that's my swollen womb you're touching!"