Oct 12, 2005 20:11
Me: rattle off words that when you see you think of me..or something.
Me: then we'll just smush em all together?
Kimmy: bubble skirt geek orange fork
Kimmy: O_o
Me: ...oo
Me: Oo;
Me: the hell xD
Me: fork? lol
Kimmy: lmfao I dunno words I think of when I think of you xD
Me: fork??
Me: thats hilarious
Kimmy: xDDDDD
Then I asked NeNe to do the same thing and got...
NeNe: crazy smart flippy spazzy hyper happy beautiful
NeNe: umm..
NeNe: joyful dainty fragile delicate rare kind only
NeNe: ^^
then I asked why only and she said..
NeNe: cuz...you're one of a kind..only you
NeNe: no one else in the world like you hun
NeNe: and i'm glad i know an eru..where would i be without an eru in my life?
Me: T.T
NeNe: everyone needs an eru..but they can't have her cuz we've got ya already
NeNe: and you're specifically for us ^^
Yeah, My friends love me, and it shows. -^^- And I'm glad they can put up with me.