no red dress, but im back!

Mar 16, 2005 18:04

I'M BACK!!!!!!! yay! it was pretty boring. restful. when we got to harlingen we watched tv for 7 hours straight. well my cuz watched tv, i read my book. we ate some of my aunties yummy cooking, with some tortilla. yummm. Angie came over with her daughter stephanie, and she played with kevin. me and my cuz drew some dirty pics, then it was off to bed. stephanie spent the night. my mom told us to change in the dark b/c there was a man outside the house. scary. we got up the next morning and got to eat some eggs. yumm. angie came over w/her husband, and we had some bbq. she brought over some dvds to watch but left the cable to the player at her house, so we snuck out to her house to get them. i got to play with the kittys. yay. we left and went back to my aunt trinnie and lillys to watch to dvds. Angie got these bootleged dvd's and me and my cuz were watching them. it was hillarious. we were watching meet the fockers, and you could see ppl get up in side the movie theartre to get some popcorn. it was sooo funny! we kept laughing. then we watched Spanglish, and the guy recording it kept moving his knee to get comfortable and you could see is knee. It was sooo funny! couldn't stop laughing. we stayed up till 1 watching Constintine. it was a good movie but i didn't get to see the ending cause the dvd thingy screwed up. we got up early the next day to go to Mexico! awesome. we went to Progresso. i really really wanted a red dress, but i didn't get it. made me sad. i got a braclet for my sister, and a blue flower necklace for me. angie and my mom bought me and a my cuz a strawberry daiquire. i didn't really like it. i kept drinking out my mom's margrita. it was good. she kept yelling at me everytime i snuck another drink. heehee. my cuz bought two packages of those matches thingys. and a pipe in the shape of a penis. i had to ask the man who was selling them if we had to be a certain age to buy it, and he said, no your in mexico there are no rules here. lol. i had to hide it in my pocket. lol. we got back and went to angies house. after we left we went to BURGER KING! yay. i had a king size chicken burger. it was delicious. yumm. i went to bed early around 12. but my cuz came in and woke me up. then she wouldn't stop talking. grr. made me mad. but we kept laughing and some stupid stuff. it was funny. then that hoe woke me up at 9 freaking 45! grr. we ate then packed up and loaded the car. we srtuck all the match thingys it was fun. we did the entire bag! we laid them on the ground and steped on them. there was this kid across the street in the apt complex that kept yelling at us the "shut up!" lol. they were loud. heehee. angie came over with kevin and stephanie, and we left to home. it started raining a lil but we were im back! and i heard some very intersting news about going bowling tomarrow. leave a comment!

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