(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 12:36

Eyebrows looks human when she sleeps. I felt sorry for her because she was sleeping near an open window (which she broke, but whatever), so I put my shorts over her like a blanket.

I had a pretty good birthday. I'm also on capped internet. Painfully capped internet. I haven't been on YouTube/Facebook/deviantART for a week or so because it takes so goddamn long to load the login page, and even if I do log in it takes another 50 years to load the home page.

Anyway, I didn't know I had capped internet. It's really not my fault - I told my brother I downloaded the Evangelion 1.0 movie, and what does he do? He downloads it again. I mean, really. What the fuck. Logic jumped out the window screaming and exploded into a bloody mess below.

I also finished watching Six Feet Under. Not only did I soak Simon's pillow with watery snot and tears at the REALLY FUCKING DEVASTATINGLY PAINFUL AND HEART-WRENCHING ENDING, but I haven't stopped thinking about it. The characters were like my friends :( anyway, you all need to watch this, it will change your life and your outlook on life. Not joking/exaggerating.

Big Day Out lineup sucks absolute shit. Very disappointed this year. Possibly the worst lineup I've witnessed thus far. Here is a sample of some of the suckiness:

1. The Ting Tings.

I also got my exam timetable as of several hours ago. I'm actually quite happy. It's the best thing I could have gotten. So now to uhm, try.
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