Hey Say Jump on BRITISH TV PEOPLE! Ok so it was a billboard. Still gave me a blooming heart attack!
Did anyone else watch Justin Lee Collins turning Japanese?
If not you can find it here
In the third episode he's talking about Tokyo's claustrophobic conditions, and it just shows a street and it took me a full 3 seconds to go HSJ are on my tv...Wait...HSJ ARE ON MY TV? WHAT THAT'S NOT NORMAL? THIS IS...IS THIS ALLOWED????? EH? WHAT! UHM UHM....DIA!!!
I can only imagine my reaction if it had been Arashi, News, or worse KAT-TUN!
I've got a feeling DBSK may be somewhere in there too and I think that might have only made me giggle. Because yeah, in my head kpop has less power. Johnny is all controlling in my mind. Even over British media