May 23, 2006 08:37
So I have finally moved apartment! Thank's absolutely beautiful. I've never lived somewhere so homely and happy.
We moved in on Thursday night, packed everything from the old place into boxes. Ross and George helped us pack it all and we moved it in Ross's jeep. Then Sheehy came over and we unpacked a little of the kitchen stuff, had pizza (I wasn't about to cook at 9:30 at night with work in the morning) and eventually went to bed.
Went home after work on Friday, teught lessons all day Saturday (I even missed the Munster match) and came back on Saturday night to Paddy and Jamie...Jamie was polluted!! Itw as hilarious, he was blithering on and rambling and we couldn't stop him! Then he decided at half 10 that it was bed time, went home and passed out on his couch watching TV!!
Sunday, Paddy and I got up at 10, didn't even have breakfast and started into the unpacking and cleaning. We took our time, disinfected every surface in the kitchen and bathroom and put everything away, organising as we went. by 4 that afternoon, the place was almost perfect. We rearranged furniture, brought some of our own. I oversaw the whole thing and now I know exactly where everything is, for the first time in years!!
Then, yesterday after work, I decided a celebratory meal should be held so I roasted a chicken. We had stuffing and roast potatoes and carrots and parsnips and gravy with it. Anne came over at around 7 and we had a glass of wine and waited til 9 to eat. Paddy came home and we sat at the dining table and was absolutely brilliant! Paddy had 2 helpings and even Anne ate a plate the same size as I tea and brownies after! I've never been so happy cooking and entertaining anywhere...she said she felt so at home in our apt, esp coz we don't have the big problem in this one that we had in the last one, so she felt she could stay and relax instead having to listen to shit she didn't want to in our old place...we nearly had to send her home, coz she hadn't left by our bedtime!!
I'm going to the dentist again this afternoon...I've had 3 fillings so far and I think I'm getting 2 or 3 today. But I think that today is the day that he'll be deciding about my wisdom teeth. I dunno if I want them out or not. I found a lump on my jaw a couple of weeks ago and I went to the doctor to get it checked and he said that it ws actually my jaw bone and it's misaligned and dislocates itself when I open my mouth. Getting my wisdom teeth out prob wouldn't help with that coz my teeth aren't aligned properly either and that might make it worse. then again, my 2 wisdom teeth are partially impacted and I could v easily get an abcess or infection in all adds up to pain anyway, so I really don't care either way. All I know is that I';m not getting a general anaesthetic for it coz:
(a) I don't trust dentists and
(b) I have a thing about the veins in my arms, as in, if they try to puncture one I'll prob have some sort of freak attack. I couldn't even get a blood test that time I had tonsillitis 3 times in a month!