(>=.=)> <(°-°)> <(^.^<)

Aug 18, 2007 18:04

I hate u LJ!  Why isn't this damn thing letting me check my friendsite?! ((o(>0<)o))
Anyways..Next week school will start again. The good thing about  is, that I won't go to my old school and the bad thing about it is, that school will remain school with homeworks and blah~ 
But I hope the next years will be more relaxing, coz I'll be joining a media school where u shoot lil movies and learn how to cut filmscenes together- just the whole media stuff, I really hope it will be fun ^,^....as long  u can put "fun" and "school" in the same sentence... <<
[Topic change]
Last night was awesome!I watched the whole night K8 and Ryo stuff with a friend!!And when I say the whole night I mean the whooole night ^,~ I swear I laughed so hard,these guys are SO fun XD~ we had lotsa candy, coke and stuff so we were awake, though I've to say that my eyes are burning like hell right now >< Ryo is so my hero o.O He is awesome. I was stunned when he performed Ai igai no nandemo nai *____* I can't get enough of his code performances either *___* And the extra of the News backstage dvd where ryo appears very often and feeds the other member <3
Other than that, there was a rumour that ryo will be leaving NEWS and will just stay in K8- many  fans got hurt about it, but personally, I dont really like NEWS- the music atleast, the guys theirself are really funny and chilling but I like K8 much much more!I adore their music and the guys anyways- (and I think Ryo fits into K8 better anyways e.e) But I really hope ryo will leave one of the groups, after all he is the one who has to work in two groups and maybe feels more exhausted and has hard work to do- No, I dont have something against him beeing in News and K8 at the same time but it would be just better for him óÒ

Ah, before I forget!I watched another Korean movie which is somewhat of a pre strory(does this word actually exist? oO') from "100 days with mr.arrogant", not taht funny like that one but its fun to watch too ^^ wuah, I'm so hungry x_X I'm off to find something salty-nothing sweet!I can't see and eat it right now, I've had enough the last night- else I'll wake up tomorrow realizing that I've got the size of a fat humongest cow << 
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