I've been hesitant to tell people that I was doing NaNo. particularly people who'd never heard of it before. I told my mom, she said in a condescending tone "oh, so you going to write a little novel?" I told a friend and she said "...so what do you get if you finish." I explained that you get a novel, that you can then edit and have something that is finished that you wrote. She said "and then what do you get." I gave up trying to make her see why writing in and of itself was good. I decided that I wouldn't tell anyone else.
But, last night I told some one else and he said "oh, sounds like fun. I think I'll join you." He'd wanted to write a novel for a while now and it lead to the longest discussion we've ever had. Nano- bringing together the strangers who 'get it'.
16140 / 50000 words. 32% done!
My writing is slowing down. I'm worried I might hit a road block today- but I'll attack that hen I come to it.
I'm also going out and going to de-mud Obi. All our snow melted leaving...mud! oh how I love the fall in Colorado. I hope you can all hear the sarcasm dripping from my words.