Vets are fun, sorry Karma

Oct 14, 2008 22:31

Karma went to the vet today. He's down from almost 18 lbs to 16, and the vet and I agree that he should loose one more to be at the proper weight. I love my vet. He's super soft spoken and has a great manner with the animals. He's also qualified to be an "exotics specialist". Being as I've got a bunch of tiny fuzzes over there sleeping away, that's a very good thing.

While I was there I was talking to the receptionist about if she knew of anyone who was expecting a litter of rats, or any good rat rescues in the area. I still want to get another female to put in with my girls (as was the initial reason I went to go look at Valjean before we knew he was a boy.) She gave me the phone number of a friend with a female she just took in. I'm meeting her on Thursday, and if we get on she'll get quarantined and then introduced to my two. She's a pink eyed white rat, and was supposed to have gone down the gullet of a snake about 6 weeks ago, but he wasn't hungry.

Under the cut are pictures of all my current fuzzies, just so that I have an entry to send people to if they ever want a reference of who so and so is. (feel free to skip)

Monet, a mink dumbo rat (male). He's a sweet, licky rat but not very bright. He also scares me to death about once a week by taking a running jump and leaping off something up high. Luckily he's managed to avoid injury so far. Rescue.

ValJean, a blue hooded top eared rat (male) he's a bit camera shy. Largest of my rats, I'd say he weighs in at almost two pounds. He's still a bit freaked out by peopl Rescue.

Nynx and Pepper, my girls. Pepper is the blue and white hooded top ear (on the left) and Nynx is a black(now rusted) berkshire dumbo (on the right). These girls were my first rats and have been with me for about a year and a half now. I love them dearly. They're both so brave and smart and curious.

Karma, Maine Coon kitty, about 4 years old. a big lug who is as I write this taking a nap on my dirty clothes.

There's some strange flu like thing going around Boulder right now. I got it this weekend and let me tell you, trying to make sure that a ton of little kids don't break anything in a pottery shop when you have a mid grade fever and would rather be worshiping the toilet god is not fun. Oh yeah, and passing out in the bathroom while brushing your teeth...less than ideal. I've been sleeping constantly, and will probably continue to do so as soon as I push post.

I've realized the last few days that I'll probably never be a "real" writer. I'm just too conscious of my work to let people see it. It's not that I am afraid of criticism or that people will not like it. I just never feel like I have been able to satisfy my own desire for my creations to live up to what I want them to be. Writing is something very personal for me, it's a way of purging all the stress and negative emotions. The same with most my artistic endeavors. I guess I just don't want people to see that part of me. Gotta get over it I guess, if I ever want to improve.

Oh, and found this today in a firefly community. I've gotta go find who made it so I can credit, but I just had to post it for those of you who know the show.

This caused quite the hub-bub over there. I just think it's funny. Don't take it too seriously, friends.

rats, photography, karma, writing

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