Let's re-cap.

Jan 29, 2006 20:25

Over the last four years of my life.... this is what's happened: life.

Freshmen year was the year I searched until I found what I was looking for; myself. I found it in three beautiful people who.... have shaped my life more than I'll ever give them gratitude for. Thank you to Cara, Marley and Lydia for loving me and basically helping me become everything I have become. Freshmen year also made me realize these things: I'm lazy.... and I'm not an actress. I also realized that movement is my key to optimism.

Sophomore, junior and senior year have basically been the same; lame.

But, let me say that I've been on both sides of everything. I've been the smart girl, and I most certainly have been the dumb one a time or two.I've been the fat girl, the skinny girl, the happy girl, the sad girl. The drug-induced girl and the goody-good. And what I've learned from being on both sides is this: there is no such thing as green grass. It's just bare land.And either side has its beautiful points and its dips in the earth. So, accept your life as it is right now... for what it is. Things will change, whether the change be good or bad. But it won't stay the same forever. And don't be disappointed when you realize the grass isn't green, just.... accept it for what it is. You'll find beauty in simplicity, I promise.

That's life.
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