Nov 18, 2004 00:18
I cant sleep. Yet again... That makes day 3. Ugh. My tummy is in bad shape. Even after I put that stress reducing mediterranian diet my dr recommended into effect. Yummy food.. but still icky tummy
So so much today. I started to write again... pouring out of me, as they say. I had forgotten what a release that was.
I am on a mission to make my sister eat more healthy foods. So every other day at I pack her a lunch. First day it was lox and low fat cream cheese on a whole wheat pita with tomato, some grapes, and a low sugar cookie. Today it is a yummy salad with spinach and mandarin oranges. I MADE MY OWN SALAD DRESSING AND CROUTONS!!! Color me proud.
There seems to be a bit of an artist colony forming here at my place. Hizzah I say long live the arts... hizzah! Next time I will participate.. but I was writing and that is an art itself.. by george I was participating... horray... um i mean hizzah
I am going to Mexico in the spring. I am so excited. Who better to go with than the love of my life... Nicole :)
So now, in addition to this artist colony thing, I am delving into Mexican art, poetry, novels, movies... the whole nine yards... I am going to see Frida's blue house and the murals that fueled a revolution. Man oh man.
I am reading Rain of Gold by Victor Villasenor. If anyone has any more Mexican authors to read or artists to check out let me know.. oh yeh or music ... *sigh*
Just popped a tums.. off to bed perchance to sleep.