Oct 10, 2004 09:37
Ok so I have found so many new loves. The house I desperately want to move into is the one that has most of my attention and cash flow directed towards it. Big yard, two stories.. crazy old house with no real renovations. There is an exposed water heater in the kitchen, built in cabinets in the living room, a giant heating vent smack in the middle of the living room carpet and , of course, cock all over the kitchen. There was one on the stove and one on the refrigerator. So charming... ooh ooh and neighborbhood strays , two cats and a crazy four year old girl.
My next love is in the form of a boy.. a man actually. You may know him. He is smart.. a rhodes scholar, so he went to Oxford. He was in the military but then finished his tour and left. He became a laborer, worked with his hands and was all manly and dirty. AND THEN he decided to show the world his true gift ... he is one of the most prolific and wonderful songwriters to ever live... know who it is? Give up? Yes ladies and gentleman my new love was friends with Johnny Cash and knows Bob Dylan he was in movies with Barbra Streisand and Ellen Burtsyn... AAAANNNNND HE MAKES HIS OWN ICE CREAM
Kris Kristofferson yayyyyyeeee.....
Oh yeh and I am having dreams about John Kerry. You know the dirty kind ;)
Ok so I am off to a BBQ. Good times and good talks...