So if I wasnt a fuck up, I would of had a really sweet Valentines Day. Not only would I have spent it with one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. I would have gotten a red rose with baby's breath (which got thrown out thursday cause the flowers died), chocolate and a sweet card. I love the card: the cover has a pic of a guy's legs ahd a girl's
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One more thing, isn't being free what having fun is all about? Throw caution to the wind, envelope yourself in child like humor! Breath for Christ sake! Obviously she wasn't feeling free when she was with her boyfriend and now she is. Also, whoever said she shacking up with multiple people. Now you're just reading what you want to. It's just one guy and multiple acts of sex :) Which is by all means very fun.
So fuck you nay sayer and stop projecting your negativity of self on my beautiful cousin!
Love ya Jess!!
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