Happy Super Tuesday (I hate politics, why am I talking about it?)

Feb 05, 2008 21:02

I got my little sticker that says I'm a Georgia Voter today.

In the end, in true American fashion, I chose the Giant Dousche (Mitt Romney) over the Turd Sandwich (John McCain) (If you don't understand that South Park reference, then shame on you)

Romney was originally near the bottom of my choices on the Republican side. My favorite (Giuliani) dropped out and endorsed McCain. I had to respectfully disagree with his decision, as I've got more problems with McCain than I care to list. I at least like what Romney used to be (before he started begging for evangelical votes), and I at least believe he's closer to being a fiscal conservative. His immigration views are better in my mind, and his health care plan actually makes more sense than most that I've heard. I do have to say though, this was the first time that I literally woke up in the morning undecided. Actually, I was undecided until lunch time. I think I did what was best in the end, even though McCain is clearly going to win and leave me with a regrettable decision in November.
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