from the Market-ticker
Not All Bankers Are Liars
Here 'ya go:
Five minutes, roughly.
Let's recap Rusty's points, which I have repeatedly made since this crisis began, and if you look at the last two+ years of The Ticker, you'll see the same things being said:
- "We saw this coming in 1999 with the passage of Gramm-Leach-Bliley"
- "Financial institutions were doing raptures in Enron and doing the same thing with SIVs in off-balnace-sheet accounting"
- "Unless they break up the big banks, we are going to relive this over and over again"
- "Free enterprise has to have the right to fail"
- "This was a disaster put together in 1999"
- "We haven't solved the problem"
- "Alan Greenspan had some problems here; Greenspan let Citicorp merge with Travelers even though it was illegal at the time he did it"
- "They get the gain and we get the pain"
- "When you have companies running wild such as you had with Enron (and Worldcom), and subprime lending and all, we have to live with CRA and all while they don't care"
By the way, if you're a "credentials guy", Rusty is a former Federal Reserve board member.
So folks, how much more of an authority do you need than a former Federal Reserve board member and the head of a significant regional bank?
Still think this is a partisan issue? We've had a Democrat President and a Republican Congress, a Republican President and a Republican Congress, a Republican President and a Democrat Congress and now a Democrat President and a Democrat Congress.
All possible combinations have been present during the genesis and unfolding of this mess and not one has stepped forward to put a stop to it.
Are we the people still going to sit on our butts, ten years after the fine folks who are "in charge" sell us down the river and we get the consequences, irrespective of whether we're Democrat or Republican?
What's that old Einstein definition of insanity again? Oh yeah:
Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.