Dec 19, 2005 17:25
Wow, this thing hasn't been updated since the last time I updated it n_n I haven't been able to come into contact with many people on what to do for this break so I doubt we'll be doing much. I dunno, I can hope. I just want us to get together and have fun like we used to before the hurricane. I miss the togetherness time :(
In other news, the world has come to an end. Thank you and have a nice day.
That'd be a disturbing news article, huh?
I dunno, randomness. I finally took the SAT's and ACT's, now I just need to send out some applications -_-, Wonder how long that'll take....I shoulda sent out my transcripts before break but I didn't even think about it :( I'm not getting any smarter now am I?
Blah. I'm sick :( I wanted to do stuff this break, you know, join something, meet people, but now I feel like staying inside all break long (which'll probably happen anyway). What really sucks is that I think this is the same cold that's been going around school for the past 2 months that I managed to avoid. The day after school let out, ONE DAY, I get sick :( Sorry if I sound complain-y. I want a cookie :(
In the meantime, I still didn't finish Christmas shopping n_n I think it'll be a while. Too many people, I hope I remember who to get stuff for. I only have 5 gifts so far *whistle* There's how many of us, 16? Crapola. I'll finish eventually......
Look! A puppy!!!!
I dunno. Random post, as usual. I have nothing to do so I wouldn't be able to tell you how many random posts you'll see over the course of this break. I have to do those journals for Mr. Whatshisface, but I'll get to it eventually. *wink*
I miss everybody already!!!! :'(
Uhm...yeah. Btw, NyQuil rox :D Did anyone know that DayQuil doesn't help sneezing but NyQuil does?! WTF?! They should be for the same stuff if they're from the same people. Grr. *had several sneezing fits yesterday* DayQuil hath deceived me >:( NyQuil made it go away n_n (and then I went to sleep....good thing it was sleepy bye time). I dunno, I'd say I don't make sense cuz I'm sick, but I never make sense, now do I?
I put up everyone's Christmas cards in my room n_n I <3 you guys FoReVeR <--my version of scary font.
COOKIES!!!!! I like oreos n_n
And uh, yeah. Feel free to stop in for a chat, as I am bored with nothing to do. We'll have a jolly good time, cheerio and all that jazz ;)
Later Dayz,
With <3 (pip pip, cheerio!)
~The Hyper Heroine~
there must be another game we can play..