Hell yes!

Oct 20, 2007 04:19

I guess my request worked!!! Things are definitely looking up!

I found an apartment in Austin. I applied for it and will be hearing about it soon but there isn't really a reason I shouldn't get it so hurray!!! The info - it is basically downtown Austin! My apartment will be 1 bedroom and its' on the river. So basically when I'm sitting on my patio I have a river and pool view. Awesomeness. I'm going to buy a kayak (or 2) and keep it/them in my backyard for any spontaneous kayak trips. Oh man I'm so excited. My move in date is December 7th. I was ssooo lucky to get it too, I basically had to decide the same day if I stood a chance at getting it before someone else. Great location and a great deal!

Also, I've already been accepted into my teaching certification program and I'm enrolled. What does this mean? I can officially be a teacher in Texas, so I'm job searching. The pay is pretty damn awesome (believe it or not) because they really need teachers. Anyways it's about $10,000 more than I would have made in entry level marketing. So I'm going to teach and be able to travel during the summers and work on my MBA during the school year. Pretty bangin' plan. So... I'm applying like crazy for Austin teaching jobs, shouldn't be too too hard to get though.

In other news, to get me by for now I applied to be a substitute teacher in Killeen. After all the training and waiting and applying... I officially begin on Monday!!! It's a great opportunity for me so that I can get a better idea of what age level and subject of certification I would prefer to go for. Anyways, Monday I'm subbing for Pre K (wow i'm nervous!) and Wednesday I'm subbing for 4th grade. I'm very fortunate because it seems very easy to get subbing assignments here and it's so flexible. I'm really enjoying the making my own schedule so far.

I feel like finally things in my life are starting to come together. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last weekend I just got to feeling really down. It's easy to get in a rut when I'm unhappy with living here and the job I'm doing. Now that I actually hvae a move in date, things will be easier to deal with. I'm so happy that I'm not indefinitely stuck in Killeen anymore.

Anyways, that's what's new. Good news all around!
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