(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 23:02

It was a fairly typical Thursday, so I really have nothing of value to say here, but, what the hell.  It's my blog, and I'll write if I want to.

Chai Tea Lattes rock.  Chai Tea Lattes at Border's surrounded by books and quiet and no kids rock solid.  Chai Tea Lattes surround by books and quiet and no kids and a raspberry trail mix bar rock so hard I may fall off my chair.

I developed a theory when I was a child and I have tried to live it throughout my life.  I can never die as long as I have a book I must finish.  To keep myself healthy I am always reading at least two books, so that if I finish one, I still have the other until I can get a replacement.  Currently I am in the middle, more or less, of four books, all of which I highly recommend.  First there is my "the kids are not quite sleeping so I have to sit here, but I also have to do something teacherly" book.  This is Einstein Never Used Flash Cards.  If you have young children and feel the pressure to buy those products guaranteed to increase your preschooler's brain power, you should buy this book first.  Then there is my "I'm on break and I can't do even one more sudoku puzzle" book.  This is You Suck by Christopher Moore, the long awaited sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends, A Love Story.  Funny, funny book by a warpedly funny man.  I have my spiritual renewal book, the title of which I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go look, but it is by the same woman who wrote "The Secret Life of Bees"    Finally, there is my "I should be going to bed, but first I must read something" book, "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King.  I am surprised how much I like it.

I have decided that the best cure for a back ache is yoga in a very hot shower.  I wish I had a much larger bathroom.

Children really shouldn't fight naps.... Naps and they are going to be best friends by the time they grow up.

There is nothing cuter than a young couple in love sharing a cup of coffee in a book store's coffee shop.   I hate cute.

People who hate snow should spend more time playing with children in the snow.  They know what we have forgotten.  There is something magic about having the sky fill the world with a giant, cold slip-n-slide.

One final thought...

Cherish your imagination with all your heart.  I have come to believe that this is where the soul resides.  Without it you can go no where and do nothing .  With it you can fly.
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