I Came. I Saw. I Paused.

Aug 24, 2008 09:52

So yesterday was the end of week on of the great "Get Out Of The Rut" experiment. I'm proud to say it was a successful start in most ways. On every day, except the infamous pizza/pot luck day, I came in under points. I exercised three out of the seven days. I recorded every thing I put in my mouth, which moves to think it's probably good I don't have a boyfriend. I have to admit it was a qualified success in that I didn't drink near enough water and my goal is really to exercise five out seven days, still I consider this a slight victory.

I met the dreaded tread mill yesterday for the first time in over two years. It stood there in it's second floor cardio room, surrounded by all it's little cardio pals, laughing at me; taunting me. I admit it. I was scare. Nevertheless, I strode up to it with a confidence I did not feel and stepped on it's black mat of battle. I looked at the buttons before me, the ones practically begging me to push them, and decided on my first course of action. I pressed cardio workout. I then put in my vital statistics and chose a speed. The machine smugly told me that it would increase my incline until I had reached my desired heart rate. Bring it on was my inward sneer.

We started.

I started out well; it was like I was on an afternoon stroll. That lasted about a minute. Then the incline started to grow, and grow, and grow. Suddenly it was .8 and I was climbing a freaking hill and gasping for breath. Oddly, my heart rate just wouldn't climb it it's target rate. This is wrong, I thought. It's cheating. I'm pretty sure I heard the evil thing laugh. Still, I persevered... for about five minutes. That's when I knew that I would not make even ten minutes at this rate. I looked for the pause button. I looked again. Where the hell was the pause button. Why couldn't find the pause button. There had to be a freaking pause button, didn't there? Finally, I found it and pushed it.

I stood there trying to breath and drink water at the same time, wondering just where I went wrong. My feeling was that getting on the mat of doom was my first mistake. Still, I refused to let a hunk of metal and black revolving mat beat me, so again I looked at my choices. Go ahead, whispered the machine. Choose one. Please. I wondered exactly when the tread mill began to sound like Dirty Harry, but with a shaking finger, I pushed the random button. Again, the evil machine demanded that I give it my most private information; my age and weight. Then we started to walk. I went up and down hills. I breathed hard, but this time persevered for my minimum time of thirty minutes.
Take that inanimate object that I have made into a monster. I ultimately won that battle.

Of course, I have to go back today. God have mercy on my soul.

the rut journal

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