"You are so nice for volunteering!"

Jan 08, 2012 14:29

Rofl not really. It has been about month since I last volunteered at the hospital and here I am...slacking off in the waiting room watching Celebrity Weddings on E! I get rewarded four hours of community service when I really just work one. Plus I get free food!

On Friday, I decided to do something I've been meaning to do once I turned 18. Sell my games. I was driven there and sold a buttload of crap games and for about $50 Gamestop credit. I don't think that's too bad now. I bought Arc Rise Fantasia with said credit...but I've yet to play it. Haha!

I also finished the first season of Sherlock. After that third episode...I was just thankful I didn't watch it when it originally aired or that poor coffee table would have been flipped!  I was going to start on the second season yesterday, but I got distracted by Okamiden. Pffft, I never even finished Okami yet.

Aww, these cute, mini heroes. They were supposed to be wearing feral demon masks but I can't draw that for the life of me.

Welp, I have an hour of work left now. I should do some laps around the left and right wings. I honestly feel like I'm haunting the halls than trying to appear helpful. My sparkling angel of kindest voice only lasts so long.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

fandom: sherlock, what a dork, via ljapp, dork, video games, fandom: okami

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