Today, I went to the local Crawfish Festival with some of my friends.
Haha, when we had to go in, we had to pay an entrance fee, but as I was about to pay, the man asked, "Hey, are you 12?"
I was kind of reluctant about whether I should lie or not, but what the hell, why not lie? Then he told me that I was free. Haha, the perks of being Asian. You're practically ageless.
But then I realized I didn't get a handstamp, but I didn't want to double back. Ooo, I felt so illegal. XD3
So this was my first time eating crawfish. And damn, was it messy. Crawfish are like...the most void crustaceans ever. The only good parts are the claws and the tails. However, they were so small that it's barely satisfying. :| Dang, them bitches were spicy! We all were suffering until we got used to the burn.
Since it was a festival, there was a lack of sanitary stations. They didn't even give us napkins when we payed $15 for three pounds of it!
Also, we had some pretty amazing smoothies. I kind of wish I just got the plain banana one instead of strawberry (BUT I SAW THEM PUT THAT BANANA IN THERE.)
I can't help it. I always feel so ripped off after I go to these kinds of fairs. Shit is overpriced!
After that, we loitered around town, taking pictures and playing with my phone. I got some interesting shots, so I'll post them one day. Then I was pretty much laughing a lot at my friend dancing to
Sugar Lumps. She was going nuts, and then altered the lyrics.
Then my other friend was singing her "So Screwed for School" song to the tune of Friday. I got it on TuneMe via my phone. Ah, I love my phone.
I'm not totally disappointed with my Spring Break now! I did something!
And to top it all off, American Dreams in an English Village updated! I almost cried. ;3;