■ Persona 4: FINISHED! I finished it this afternoon. I didn't play the true ending though because I'm a wimp and I didn't want to fight Izanami omg. I'm going to play another round (slowly) so I can get them ultimate weapons from them reapers.
■ Nodame Cantabile: ALSO FINISHED! Both anime and drama. I love Chiaki and Nodame's weird relationship and how this show isn't so lovely dovey and shit. Just gotta watch the drama specials now. I think there's going to be an OVA for Opera Hen or something.
■ Pokemon SS: SLOW. Errr, I'm in...Fus-awwdamnIcan'tspellit. But I'm about to fight ninja daughter of Koga. I spent too much time in Celadon. Also, I MISS MY SLOT MACHINES.
■ The World Ends With You: I...Augh, Tin Pin Slammer.
■ Fanny Packs: Japan makes really cute ones. I want one. 'Nuff said.
30 DAYS MEMEday 07 → a photo that makes you happy
day 08 → a photo that makes you angry/sad
yeah, they're not photographs related to me, but I don't have any on this computer. Oh well.
I admit, even though the first ad picture wasn't real...it's still special. I especially like the bottom half and their reactions. tetsuya looks like a dog and hyde looks like a whore but oh well I love them. yukihiro looks so rejected and...ken has a long tounge.
The second picture...oh god hyde your hair...