I'm so proud of myself! I swear I could've beaten it earlier, but I just lost motivation after the whole (EXTREMELY AMAZING) Team Galactic senario. )8< Rowan just had to mess up the fun by basically saying "Hey! You have nothing better to do...why don't you beat up Volkner and harass the Elite 4? While you're at it, fill up the rest of the pokedex because I'm too lazy to do it myself, kay!? 8)"
But yeah, It's a new record for me. I beat the whole main storyline in under 50 hours! 8D I even took my time by treasurehunting and training...but I didn't catch that many pkmn...so...yeah. And just for the hell of it, watch Damion do his monkey dance!
I think I had too much fun putting this together...XD33