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Jan 25, 2005 16:48

i know its been kind of a long time since i last updated, but ive been really busy. exams are obnoxious, i thought they weren't going to be that bad this year, but i was definitly wrong. im pretty sure i got a C on math and like a B on history. i realllllly needed to have gotten at least a 79 on math, but idk, when i first turned it in i thought i got like a B+ but the longer its been the more things i keep thinking i got wrong. ahh this is really not acceptable, i was really hoping to actually get a 94 on it to keep my A, but that DEFINITLY did not happen and mr welna does not like me so he wont like round or anything semi-nice like that. ughhhhhhhhhhh. tomorrow is english, which i heard is basically impossible, or at least the huck finn part of it. just super. i think i need a C to keep my grade, but after that satire test, im sure my grade went down to an A so i probably now need a B on it, which is incredibly OBNOXIOUS. basically, im just not in a good mood. plus im pretty sure i lost my gas card--has anyone seen it? i kinda tried telling my mom by saying "did emily take my gas card cus it wasnt where it normally was" and she was like "if you lost it again, ill kill you" so i aws like "oh well i bet its just in my room then"----yeahhh its been gone for 3 weeks with no luck...hmm this is just SUPER...this means ill probably have to start paying for my own gas, or go through like a week of my mom yelling at me plus her dropping little comments forever about my having lost 2 cards and no one else losing any. okay im irresponsible, i get it. thanks.
hmm anything else? i guess sadies is next weekend, that should be fun. i really cant think that far ahead, and the week is going by really really slowly, i feel like each minute seems like an hour. i just want it to be tomorrow so i can find out my math grade. and my history grade NOT, i probably wont find that out until report cards because mrs small doesnt even come back until monday. ughh.
i really needed to have gotten good grades, and i dont think i did. and i need to get above a 79 on that exam because i really wantt o have straight A's really really really really really badly, i dont want to have that one stupid B+ that i always have. i think i might honestly cry. and by i might, i mean will. ughhhhh, shoot me now.
well anyway, tonight i have soccer practice, i have a feeling ill be aggressive tonight because im REALLLLLLLLLLLLY frustrated and upset right now, well at least its a constructive way to get all my anger out.
oh and one tree hill is back on tonight! thats exciting, EXCEPT THAT IM MISSING IT. ugh, im managing to find the bad in everything, and if i cant even get excited about one tree hill, well then things are not looking up. i can watch it tomorrow. yay.
oh and i need to bake cookies tomorrow for the people at my moms work because they cleaned out my car really well and i need to write a thankyou note, i can do that tonight. i guess it was really disgusting, like the worst car theyeve ever received. ever. well not ever, just out of a worker or worker's family. super, i love this reputation: messy and irresponsable. im sure they just love me there. oh and im the one that gets in expensive accidents. just super. maybe cookies will help. im not making them from scratch though, ill get the dough, because as we all know, i suck in the kitchen. and the last thing i need is to get them sick.
hmm oh right i was supposed to reflect on good things. well thursday is the final day for exams. my elections exam should actually be interesting, and im already done preparing, i did that during chemistry on monday. and spanish should be sucky, but at elast its just memorization, no real analytical thinking. thats exciting.
then im done! yay, stress is over. not.
what are we doing thursday night? can we please do something relaxing thats also fun, but no stress. no drama. pleeeeease or i might have to shoot myself. or someone else. depending on who causes the drama.
i was supppposed to go to chicago on friday to the jackie kennedy exhibit with my mom and aunt and cousin, but instead i have to work. annnd we were gonna stop at the polo outlet. i really wanted to go, oh well i guess tehrs another day. well friday night i work at 5 as mentioned earlier.
saturday i cant really think of anything happening, or sunday. except that i have no homework this weekend which is exciting, although before i say that i should check the history website because im sure we do have some, we always do, why would this weekend be different.

well, i really wasnt intending to write that long of an entry, though i do feel a lot better now. ill be really impressed if anyone read this far, because if this were someone else i wouldve just left a comment that said stop crying. but sometimes its nice to let everything out. okay all done.
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